Hello friends,many of us face the problems from our pc's in our daily life.We might ask any one like friends,technecians to solve the problem.The first question any one might ask is the 'what is the system configuration?'.When we dont know the answer for it then it is hard to solve the problem of pc.To over come this there is a tool called PC-WIZARD to know the configuration details of your pc.You can download it from the below link
http://www.cpuid.com (CLICK HERE)
No need to install this.After downloading by running the file we can know the configuration details like processer,RAM,harddisk space, cpu and many more details.This is a useful one.I have downloaded it .It is working well.
http://www.cpuid.com (CLICK HERE)
No need to install this.After downloading by running the file we can know the configuration details like processer,RAM,harddisk space, cpu and many more details.This is a useful one.I have downloaded it .It is working well.