Saturday, 26 October 2013



These are the words you live life by. If you choose your buzzwords intelligently, they become a beacon and guide; else they are mere psychobabble

   Every now and then a business throbs with buzzwords – new, impressive phrases that help spell the energy, pace and intent of workers, and also the philosophy of promoters. In conference halls and corridors, you will hear phrases like, “Let us be totally transparent” (open about facts); “The project is a work in progress” (not yet complete); “Think out of the box” (unconventionally); “Does he have the bandwidth for achieving your target?” (resources or capability); or “Her skill-sets don’t match the job requirement” (qualifications). 

    Some of these buzzwords have been around so long they seem archaic. “Going forward let us resolve…” (in the future); “Hope we are on the same page” (understand each other); “Let’s leverage the staff for maximum work” (use fewer resources better). “There is an obvious disconnect here; you didn’t follow what was required!" (misunderstanding) or “That decision was a real gamechanger for us” (to change business significantly). Some phrases may make you see red, especially if used too often or irrelevantly, “I want nothing less than cutting edge stuff ” (state of the art) or offensive ones like “We require some kick-ass action here” (awesome).

   And then, even if rarely, you may come across a mind that creates its own unique buzzwords – words and phrases that not just define the individual, but also set pace and standards for those around. “Develop prescience at work, just as a mother has prescience of her child’s needs” (intuitive understanding) or “It’s a cross in the cleavage situation” (a marriage of contraries that still gel together).


   The quest for a meaningful existence also throws up buzzwords that people latch onto and try to absorb into daily living. We hear them all around. Intelligent beings filter them through their consciousness before adopting or rejecting them; the rest adopt and use the phrases in a frivolous manner without understanding or absorbing them. Spiritual gurus repeat these buzzwords; selfhelp books such as The Secret and The Power of Now revolve around them, and we hear them from each other too often to ignore anymore. Be positive, live in the present, soul-searching, spiritualquest, peace of mind, the power of choice, positive energy or vibes, keep the faith, live in hope, the sound of silence – who hasn’t heard these buzzwords? 

    In fact, professional and spiritual buzzwords apart, now every day throws up its own buzzwords. The world seems to be looking at the internet for “trending topics,” which indicate what the world is talking about right then, at that moment. These words, phrases or news items then float around and become the buzzwords that are #hashtagged and help ‘like-minded individuals’ to ‘connect’ and be ‘on the same page’. The new craze of hashtagging is nothing but ‘cashing in’ on trending buzzwords. Media looks for trending buzzwords before creating news, and so do individuals, all struggling to ‘carve their space’ in the everyday struggle for one’s ‘spot in the limelight’.

  It almost seems that if you can use the right buzzword, you have made an impression that can carry you through to success in almost every field, with or without substance. But that is so not true. As with everything else, ‘intelligent choices’ and ‘out-of-the-box thinking’ hold you in good stead even with the choice of your adopted buzzwords.

 Why are buzzwords important at all? In a world that dazzles the mind with so many success stories, competitive choices, and multiple options, topped by a shaky morality that blurs the edges between good and bad, right and wrong, it is best to adopt some rules of our own. Rules that define our own sense of morality, our life purpose, and what holds meaning for us. It is here that buzzwords come in handy. By its very definition, a buzzword cannot belong to any one individual; it is already buzzing in the mental sphere, there for the picking. Much like a meme, which is a cultural transfer from mind to mind, buzzwords also travel from mind to mind like an idea replicator.

   If we intelligently pick the right buzzwords that suit our purpose and follow these effectively, they serve as a beacon and guide to us. However, pick and adopt them without understanding and they become no more than mere psychobabble. It does not matter where you pick the buzzword from – your office, a spiritual guru, a self-help book, from a teacher, friend, or even your housemaid or a beggar. What matters is the intelligent choice and filtering before you adopt it.

  You may call them marketing speak, psychobabble or memes; treat them like ‘low hanging fruit’ to be plucked and often thrown away, or sieve them to extract your wise choices and live by them, but ‘at the end of the day’ what matters is your comfort and success with the buzzwords you choose to live your own life by. Choose the words and emotions that make you feel good about yourself and life. So, what are your buzzwords? Intensity or easy relaxation? Music or silence? Compassion or passion? Stillness or action? Contentment or ambition? The cross, or the cleavage it rests within? 

The above information posted here are searched in the net and placed here. we doesn't own it.The information which i think is useful will be placed.

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